Category: Uncategorized

Bubbles 2

Do you have a dream? A tender longing in your heart for something not yet experienced, or fulfilled? A secret love for life’s sweet potential or creative expression that wants to pour out of you, framing your world in circular Beauty?

Our dreams for a better more fulfilling way of life are often tender and fragile like bubbles in the air. I do believe as they are breathed through us by the Divine Artist and out into the world that they hold within their radiantly colored boundaries, everything we need for them to be fulfilled, sustained by the breath of God.

When they burst of their own accord, they shower everything with colorful droplets of the dream to seed the air all around with the creative vision, manifesting in its own timely fashion.

Yet when intercepted prematurely with a finger and negative words by naysayers, the Bubble Bursts and its secrets fall to the ground in heavy wetness, the integrity and potential of its inner surprises pierced and deflated.

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Please don’t burst my Bubble when I share my dream with you but kindly add your  own breath and gently blow it forward to see how far it will travel before exploding with finesse into the winds of creation! In that we will both be surprised and delighted….. together.



Note:  I captured these happy bubbles when my very grown-up son-in-law was on the deck with the children of our family during a summer visit, keeping themselves and HIMSELF amused. Squeals and claps of merriment from all!

Bubbles 1

With love from Christine, The Greening Spirit

Me Turqoise  My other blogs are the result of my “dreams and visions”

For Love of Music and the Performing Arts:

For delicious recipes and kitchen memoirs:

For Art of Allowing/Law of Attraction:


E Sept 16

“So much depends on how we see things. More often than not the style of gaze determines what we see. There are many things near us that we never notice simply because of the way we see. The way we look at things has a huge influence  on what becomes visible for us …. Each of us is responsible for how we see, and how we see determines what we see. Seeing is not merely a physical act: the heart of vision is shaped by the state of soul.” ~ John O’Donohue ( Beauty )

Dare to be Beautiful! In a time when media images are so often dark, filled with pain, destruction, hostilities and disasters both natural and man-made,  we need to consciously step back and make a  choice to seek out and gaze upon images of Beauty that soothe, inspire, delight and amaze us, even filling us with awe.

There is, for instance,  a “game” going on right now on Face Book to post pictures of beautiful flowers and to “gift”  them to others in order to fill our pages with loveliness, color and elegance, overriding images of disaster, rubble, violence and pain. This is not denial…this is a practice to call forth and  install Beauty and Hope in the midst of chaos and uncertainty while we deal with the effort to live in compassion, hope and vision in drastically changing times.

Constantly posting, gazing upon and circulating pictures of destruction, doom, war, suffering and pain may awaken us to injustices and darkness, but psychologically and emotionally often fills us 1622242_10151838046686653_1756644152_nwith such grief as to make us ineffective as we curl up into a ball of fear, hopelessness and inaction.

Continuous draining of hope in the spirit eventually drains the body of vital energy and thus we often find that those whose primary gaze and focus on what lacks Beauty, become ill in their bodies as well as their spirits. If called to activism it is absolutely necessary to balance the grief and despair with Beauty.


There is a spirituality to cultivating BEAUTY in all forms.  Gazing upon the beauty in nature, in art, in the written and spoken word, in good manners and behaviours with and to others stimulates the desire to have it, create it, treasure it, live surrounded by it and BEING it. This is not the false and commercial beauty of the consumer or entertainment industries! This is the beauty of the inner light radiating through all things, people, creatures and the natural world whose imaginative creativity constantly stuns us with originality and depth. To see this, we must be calm, and clear and somewhat slow…look to see and look to see “beyond” or “deeper” for everything is what it is….and something more.

DARE  to circulate Beauty when others chide you for not being “real” to all the disasters of the world. You KNOW the disasters already…that is why you are choosing to bless and heal the world with the inspiration of Beauty.

DARE to be beautiful yourself! Dare to be colorful, flamboyant, original, and soulfully expressive in ways that only YOU can be in your attitudes, your actions, your personal presentation of style and dress, your words and your speech, your graciousness and gratitude, your blessings towards others and your generosity.

DARE to be beautiful in laughter, and DARE to be beautiful in the authentic shedding of tears.

DARE to choose Beauty………..

From Christine, The Greening Spirit

Me Turqoise