Archive for August, 2009

The Mystic Life Through the Eyes of a Grandmother


128_128I am on a social networking site with a variety of “friends” who have a diverse swath of interests.  All are very interesting..and one can learn a lot and share a lot.

One  group of writers are very interested in the “Life of the Mystic”, sharing back and forth all kinds of writings and quotes by the Desert Fathers of ancient times, deep ponderings on the nature of God in the  Judeo-Christian traditions, and the finer points of theology and monastic life drawn from the Middle Ages.

While this is, in fact, part of my own original religious heritage and has much beauty and inspiration,  my life’s experiences as a woman have unfolded in such a way as to draw me ever closer to the Feminine Face and Feminine Experience of God and the Sacred, which has been much ignored if not at times denigrated in the major traditions.  The Path of the Mystic was somehow deemed to be somewhat rigorous,  often apart from daily life and to be officially accessed and supported through practices , prayers and readings drawn from sacred writings and texts.

This past weekend, much of my time was spent rocking my newborn grandson, a tiny newcomer alternating between asleep and awake, between  being “There” and “Here”, lying in deep peace and quietude upon my heart. His repose was awesome in those moments, full of Trust and just “Being”…nowhere to go, nothing to do,  just to Dream as he continued to slowly emerge into the World, even after birth.

For this weekend, all schedules of mine, tasks and responsibilities were set aside to assist my daughter and gently rock my grandchild into this new Life, and the repose and quietude within myself brought me closer to the Holy than any reading of scripture or poetry at this time. Watching my daughter breastfeeding, nourishing and comforting this newborn in her arms while she was very still and present was a prayer of wonder and celebration, the little one just BEING  in the arms, and on the Heart of the Mother, in the arms, and on the Heart of the Grandmother,  and all of us (including Dad, who also is loving and strong), in the Arms of the Divine.

The Path of the Mystic does require “Time Apart” in order to witness the small daily miracles that are ever present, and that fill us with a sense of awe and wonder. The Path of the Mystic can immerse  us in Beauty and move us to tears or prayers of gratitude and praise for the sacred surprises and Mysteries for which we often have no words.  We may trust, however, that it is in this  state of Presence and Soulfulness , blessed by Grace,  that ordinary experiences  are illumined and made extraordinary by stillness,  awareness and just being. (As an indigenous teacher once said “We are here to become human Be-ings, not merely human Do-ings).

We need not always enter the desert to find the Holy. And that is something  many Women have come to know since the lives of Mothers and Grandmothers often involve constant involvement in the lives of others. As the ones who physically give birth, and are often in charge of the care and feeding of others, giving out nourishment and support at all levels within the family system, the Time Apart to feed the Mystic within ourselves may be experienced in the brief  and simple moments of being in the garden, tending a wonderful pot of soup…or rocking a newborn.

And that IS a form of very personal Sacred Scripture on the path towards the Feminine Face of God.

 INSIGHT GUIDANCE SOULWORK SESSIONS  are one-on-one personal discernment sessions….(in person, or by phone) for:

  • For those on a spiritual journey who are seeking guidance and support in deepening their personal connections to Spirit, by whatever name they experience it, the Mystery, The Divine.
  • For those who are in the process of finding their own Authentic Voice to name and claim their life’s experience
  • For those who are are seeking encouragement in the adventure of own inate creative potential and gifts.
  • For those who wish to find new words and perspectives with which to examine and re-frame their life direction and Soul-path.
  • For those who seek Wise, Ethical, Respectful Counsel, and Compassionate Dialogue, at a new Threshold/Passage.

There are several modalities , or  “doorways”  into the mysteries and questions of your own Life and Experiences. They are:

  1. DREAMS, Archetypes and Dreamtasking-working with your dreams, and their message for your life 1 hour-$65
  2. INSIGHT Intuitive Guidance Session with Oracle cards ( a highly inter-active process)- click on page for full description 1 hour- $65 TAROT “Light” (shorter readings and dialogue…) click on Tarot page for full description 30 min-$45
  3.  SPIRITUAL DIRECTION/Guidance : Working with your traditional spiritual roots, or questioning them in the process of seeking a new path. Creatiing new personal prayer forms amd sacred ritual. (click on Spiritual Direction page for more information) 1 hour-$65
  4. EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGYYOUR BIRTH CHART is your own personal LIFE LESSON PLAN  guiding you to live out your  highest evolutionary potential! A reading will assist you and your  deeper questions about your Life’s meaning, purposes and transitions ..(click on Astrology page for post and description) aprrox. 90 minutes in person, taped or by phone (not taped, must take personal notes)- $135
  5. TAROT “Light” (shorter readings and dialogue…) click on Tarot page for full description 30 min-$45

Please click on the Page Menu to the left to learn more about each of these choices for Personal Insight Guidance services,contact and scheduling.  

For  personal appointments please contact Christine Phoenix-Green  at : or

Gifts cerificates are a nice idea too, for a friend or family member!

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see music website:    for teaching  style and description/testimonials/newspaper article