For over 20 years I have been leading ,and participating in, retreats, workshops and circles of Dreamers…people who live authentically from the “Inside-Out”  by honoring, collecting, sharing, and working with their dreams.  Implementing the inate guidance and wisdom that comes up from the depths of the personal and collective Uncomscious through the mists of night, the Dreamers have been blessed with a freshness of Inspiration and personal practical and spiritual direction that has added magic, delight, humour,perspective ,wisdom, and instruction to their unfolding lives.

We do not live in a culture that makes a point of valuing  our dreams in this way. For the mainstream, the  question “what’s your dream?”  often evokes a response as to vacationing somewhere exotic, having a certain kind of car, more money, or in general having more of some kind of “stuff”. These are dreams that are fed from the “Outside-In”, often from advertising and programming of the media.

To Soul-Seekers and to  certain indigenous cultures,  that  same question has more to do with LISTENING to the images and promptings that emerge from the Dream as personal guidance to live a more balanced, uniquely authentic,healthy, creative  and generous life…in otherwords,  “DREAMING your Life ALIVE”.

In these times of economic and cultural challange and upheaval,  many people have found that the “outside ” Dream they have been pursuing has fallen apart or turned to dust in unprecedented cultural chaos. Often that “outside”  Dream  has been packaged and fed to us by advertising, and the images generated by a consumerist-driven mentality and society.

Perhaps, then, we might now re-assess which images we pay attention to for which direction we follow.Perhaps we can now turn inward to pay attention to the “Inner Dreams” that have always been there within us, and which are trying very ardently to speak to us in  this time of change, if only we will stop to listen and honor that deep and compassionate voice.

Perhaps, then a  most precious gift of the night is to DREAM our Lives ALIVE!!   (more on Dreams  in upcoming posts)

For personal help in working with your dreams in one-on-one Dream or Spiritual Direction appointments, please refer to INSIGHT GUIDANCE Services on this site. In person or by phone. Christine, the greeningspirit